Dear Daddy...

June 21, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Dear Daddy,

Before you left for your trip you told me that I'd have to be 'the man of the house' while you were gone, so I got busy trying to do all of the things you do for us every day. ( I asked Charlie and Leo to help too. I hope you don't mind.)


First we got together all of the books that you read every morning before the sun comes up - you teach us so much every day about pretty much everything there is to know and we wanted to be like you...

but they were so big and there were soooo many. We got very tired and then Leo started to eat the pages so we had to move on.


After we got mom her coffee (don't worry, we watch you so we did it juuust right) we decided to spend some time with each in other and Jesus in prayer like you teach us to do every morning...

I know just what you mean now when you say that we squirm SO MUCH. Leo tried to light his finger on fire half way through, so we said a quick Amen and moved on with our day.


Next we got to the yard work! We thought the leaves would be an easy place to start!

that leaf blower shot me right up into the air! I felt like a rocket ship! It was awesome but it made it very hard to pick up all those leaves!

We thought maybe if we used your big truck, like you do when you haul tree branches and dirt for the garden, that it would all go a little easier...  but it broke down before we could make it out of the neighborhood! We all worked together to get it back home. (But, just between you and me, Charlie is not as strong as he looks.)


After all of that hard work it was time for some fun so we went inside to play a game. We love it when you play with us dad! (Board games are our favorite, even though I know sometimes you let Charlie win.)

Leo thought it was so funny when we sunk those battleships but then he started trying to eat the pieces so mom said we had to put it away...Sometimes she's not as fun as you are. She doesn't dance when she wins at her turn and she always makes me 'go fish' but she sure does like to cuddle with us...

In fact, we did find ONE thing that you do that we're pretty good at too...

loving mom! (Leo isn't as good as us quite yet but he's getting better every day!)



After a long day we put our pj's on and headed to bed. You never let us go to sleep without reading us the best bedtime stories so we thought we'd give that a shot too...

but Leo said that all that jumpin' on the bed made it too hard to read so we decided just to say our prayers and get some sleep. Mom says you'll be home soon and boy were we glad to hear that!


At the end of the day we figured out that it would take a real life superhero to do all of the things you do for us! We're so happy that you're ours! Happy Father's Day dad!





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